Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Parabens or Herbs? The Precautionary Principle & NYR Organic

Do a search for "rosemary cancer" on the web, and you'll come up with dozens of articles describing the benefits of using "cancer-fighting" rosemary.

one example:

Do a search for "parabens cancer" on the web, and you'll come up with dozens of articles outlining the potential dangers of using "estrogen-mimicking" parabens.

one example:

Considering that 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream, what would YOU feel more comfortable putting on your body?

“Most beauty companies use ingredients until they are proven unsafe. We take the directly opposite approach and follow the ‘Precautionary Principle’ – if an ingredient has not been proven to be safe, we presume it is unsafe and don’t use it.” --Neal’s Yard Remedies, Owner Peter Kindersley

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